The disparity between management and labour is not philosophical...
And I have evidence...
This letter arrived at the house of one of my loved ones who is on their staff.

I really want to curse, but I'll refrain...
I don't care which side of this you are on.
A - People are out of work.
B - these are people our Sisters, Brothers, Mothers, Fathers, Daughters, Sons and Cousins who want to do a good job and have a career. These people are not prima donnas, they are just people who want to work and have had that right taken away from them by the above mentioned gentlemen and ladies.
But mostly I think the fact that they mailed this propaganda to one of their own employees, please bear in mind that this was not addressed to yours truly, demonstrates just how out of touch they are with their own work force. Frankly, I find it offensive. Hence the post.
What galls me the most is this quote from the letter:
Because we believe the proposals we have put forward are important if CBC is to continue to provide Canadians with quality programming in a changing environment. They give us the ability to put the right people in the right jobs at the right time - something that we feel is essential for our networks and our services to succeed in the future.
the right people I assume they do not mean my friend and the 5,499 colleagues that are locked out.
You can read more about the letter in the second story of the CMG's latest newsletter on this site.