Roight Now. All 'ave ya!

I was feelin' pretty pissed, both litterally and figuratively, earlier after I spent over two hours at the Gladstone and had my song passed over countless times. I'm sure it came up not five minutes after I delivered the finger as I exited.
I don't want this to be all,
whoa is me, I went out with a specific objective in mind and didin't achieve it but I learned something and now I'm a better person because of it, because that's not what happend.
I'm still pissed that I didn't get to do my signature song "Total Eclips of the Heart" and I still feel that Furious P. Wanker, said karoke gatekeeper, is an authoritarian little berk who lords his power over the people who pay his sideline wage and give him the adulation that his punch-card-day-job doesn't deliver. I hold grudges and I don't forgive that easily.
Then I came home and thought about things a bit and looked at what happened in the world today and how far I've come and thought about it a bit...
And do you know what I came up with?
Fuck it. He's a prat and a fuckwit and it doesn't matter how nice they've made the new gladstone, he's not even a proper DJ and whatever...
...I seem to have fallen out of my chair and can only muster enought strength to his publish...